Monday, January 12, 2015

The Gratitude Project.

I've been thinking a lot about starting a gratitude journal. I thought about actually doing it in my journal, but I realized I wouldn't stick to it like I should. Let's be honest…I can't write as fast as I can type, so a blog it was. I can only keep up with so much blogging and social media, between my own person outlets and Sidney Clark Designs. So, for the rest of the year, I wanted to make Mondays on my blog dedicated to "The Gratitude Project." Simply put: I will write about things I am grateful for…big and small, obvious and not so obvious, and possibly cheesy but extremely honest. I hope it inspires you to start one yourself, or at the very least, find gratitude in every day!



1. A New Year - Full disclosure: Last year wasn't my favorite. There were some amazing moments, for sure, but 2014 isn't a year I will look back on with much fondness. Let's put it that way. My grandfather passed away in early February, and it was the first time I had lost someone that I was incredibly close to. Shortly after that, my husband made the emotional decision to retire from a decade-long career in professional baseball. Seeing someone you love so much struggle with a decision like that is heartbreaking. You know it's coming eventually, but that doesn't make it any less hard. That, too, was like mourning a death because baseball had been in his life since he was a young child! I'm happy to have a fresh start in 2015 and look forward to see where God is leading us both.

2. People who are willing to say "I'm Sorry" - Recently, I had a friend call and apologize for something. It was a big move on their part, requiring humility and empathy. A lot of times, as humans, our ego gets in the way (mine included!), and so I deeply appreciated that phone call for that reason. The call took guts, and now I have a level of respect for that person that I didn't have before.

3. Hats - Any hat. Ones that cover up my crazy hair on bad hair days…or days I don't want to shower…or days that I am just too lazy to make my hair look good presentable. On days I am rushing to work or a meeting, which is most of the time, hats are a life-saver for me! They can transform an outfit and make it - and my hair - look put together…even though what's underneath the hat is anything but! ;)

4. A Warm Coat - Nashville has been having some COLD weather lately! Schools were even closed because of it. I know a lot of people in Nashville - and around the world - do not have warm coats for the winter. I am grateful for my own warm coat and for ways to donate one here in Nashville. Check out these sources to donate: One Warm Coat or Hands On Nashville.

5. My Strong, Healthy Body - As women, we spend an insane amount of time comparing our bodies to others, obsessing over our flaws, and sometimes even hating how we look. No one is immune to those kind of thoughts, but not letting them take over is the key to a healthy, happy mindset and body image. My body is no where near perfect, but I am thankful for it and what it allows me to do on a daily basis. I can workout, lift heavy weights, run, cook, travel, and have fun with my family and friends. All because of my healthy and amazingly strong body!


1 comment:

  1. I love this. It's always good to think about what we're thankful for!

    - Liz
